Data storage

Data storage

How much data can I use for free?

At About Time, we make it as pleasant as possible for you. By default, 2 Gigabytes are included in your account. Adding data such as text, photos, videos and audio messages is therefore completely free.

With those 2 gigabytes, you can store about 572 photos (of 7 megapixels) or 20 minutes of movie (assuming 13 MB/s in Full HD format).

What if I use too much data?

In order not to make you pay unnecessarily for using the app, we have set a limit of 2GB for uploading. If you cross that line, you won't be able to upload anything. You will then receive an e-mail from us asking you to delete files or to buy an extra storage credit.

Buying extra data allowance

If you don't want to delete files, you can buy extra storage credit through our webshop. You can redeem via this portal. You can read more about this in our webshop. In the app you can see exactly how much you use and what your credit is.

Bundles & Costs

Additional storage credit is available in the following bundles:

  • 100GB at € 7,00
  • 250GB at € 12,50
  • 500GB at € 22,50
  • 1,000GB at € 40,00

If you have used the normal limit of 2GB and you have purchased extra data storage credit, we will only charge you monthly for your actual usage above 2GB and not a fixed amount. This way, you can control how long you can use your extra data storage to last. That's nice!


Secure and privacy-friendly

We handle your data in a safe and privacy-friendly way. For example, we do not have access to your data and that will always be the case. If you stop your account, your data will be automatically deleted.