My wishes

My wishes gives access to the following topics:

  • First week after death
  • The funeral
  • After the funeral
  • Recipients of funeral cards
  • Pets
  • Possessions
  • What special message would you like to convey?

First week after death

Under the 'first week after death' you fill in what your next of kin need to know and/or decide immediately after your death. Think of points such as:

  • Who will be the client of the funeral home?
  • What clothes would you like to wear?
  • Where and how do you want to be laid out?
  • Who should be informed of your death?
  • Or do you want to leave those choices to your loved ones?

The funeral

Here you indicate your wishes about your own funeral.

  • Do you want to be buried or cremated? Or do you have other ideas about that?
  • If you want to be buried, do you already know where?
  • How do you want to be transported?
  • Do you want to offer people something to eat and/or drink?
  • What kind of music are they allowed to play?
  • And if you want to get ideas, you can get inspired by our examples.

After the funeral

After the funeral, for example in the case of a cremation, the next of kin must decide what to do with your remains, such as the ashes. Do you already have an idea about that? Then you can record it here.

Recipients of funeral cards

Here you can see who you want to notify of your death.

Or to put it another way: suppose you have family/loved ones, have to inform people about your death, who do they send a condolence card?


Who will take care of the pets after your death? And what else would you like to pass on?


Do you have certain possessions that you would prefer to leave to one of your loved ones?

What special message do you want to convey?

Suppose you are no longer here, would you like to leave a special message for your loved ones at a certain special moment?

For whom is the message intended?

And who should deliver this message on your behalf?