Here's how they do it in... Madagascar

Death is a festive event for the people of Madagascar. Do you think the following can't be true? In Madagascar it really happens: there they dance with the dead!

Once every five or seven years, 'Famadihana' is celebrated, which means the 'overturning of the dead'. People take the bodies of their deceased relatives out of the family grave for an evening, wrap them in beautiful new cloths and write the name of the deceased on them so that they are remembered forever. Then they dance to live music with the bodies above their heads. After all the rituals, which of course also involve food and drink, they bring the deceased back to the family grave.

This funeral ritual is still a regular occurrence. The purpose of Famadihana is to pay respect and honor to the ancestors and celebrate the life that the dead are living. In addition, it is an opportunity to get together with the whole family, from all over the country.

The participants in the ceremony believe that they can communicate with God through their ancestors and use it as a time to ask their ancestors for guidance and blessing. It is also believed that once a body is removed from the family grave, the soul transforms and gains special powers.

"In Madagascar it really happens: there they dance with the dead!"
"In Madagascar it really happens: there they dance with the dead!"


Famadihana has probably existed in its current form since the 17th century, but is best known from the Merina people – in the interior of Madagascar – during the reign of Queen Ranavalona I. It is believed that the spirits of the dead can only join their ancestors after the complete dissolution of the body and a series of ceremonies. The whole process can take many years.

The practice of Famadihana is on its way out because of the costs and the belief that the ceremony is outdated. Missionaries had discouraged the celebration for decades, although the Catholic Church no longer objects to it. The church considers Famadihana to be cultural rather than religious.

The Zodiac

The Famadihana is often announced through an older relative's dream in which he receives a message from an ancestor. For example, the deceased asks for new clothes in that dream. That's when the dreamer knows it's time to take action.

The Zodiac is used to determine the best day for the Famadihana. Once the date has been set, it's time to make plans for the celebration. All family members are invited. They often come from far and wide and travel for several days – often on foot – to attend the festivities.


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Marjolein Zakee
Marjolein Zakee
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How different cultures, countries and religions can amaze but at the same time be a wonderful source of inspiration!"
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