I'm 92 and I've never been sick

Day 2:

After the necessary formalities, the rapid test, mouth mask and disinfecting hands, I could start my second day. On today's agenda is a short evaluation of yesterday's day with the team leader and the GP, getting to know colleagues and getting to know the other residents.

Upon entering, it is immediately noticeable that there is a pleasant peace and quiet in the hospice. Everyone works hard but "the machine" runs smoothly. There is no hustle and bustle and everything is discussed in a soft but clear tone. For the residents, it is important that there is peace and quiet and that they experience the hospice as a home as much as possible.

A colleague will introduce me to Mrs A today. Funny actually; You are introduced as the new colleague to people who generally only see everyone for a very short time. But that is not how they act. A short introduction to the walk to Mrs. A follows.

Mrs. A has a very aggressive form of cancer. She was in a lot of pain when she came in but we were able to get rid of the pain for the most part. She has cancer in the lower abdomen area. In a moment, the lady will be taken care of and that will be done by a registered nurse. This is always an annoying moment. The lower abdomen is partially open due to the tumors that make their way out and that needs to be taken care of very well to prevent further infections. For the lady it is nice if there is someone from the volunteers with whom she can talk and who keeps eye contact with her. "Do you want to do that?" It crosses my mind that this is the first time I've experienced something like this. Outwardly I show impassiveness, but inside all kinds of things are happening to me. I get soft legs at the first knock on the door.

No response. Carefully the door is opened and the colleague looks around the corner through a crack. Mrs. is asleep. "We'll leave her for a while," is whispered. "No, I'm awake! How could she hear this? We talk in a whisper, the door closed more than open and yet.... The colleague steps inside and asks if it's okay if "The new one" comes along. A soft "Yes, sure" is the answer. I imagine and a weak lady, visibly scarred by the disease, reacts with slow movement and a soft voice. She is already very weakened and tells me that she is ready. That she will be happy if she can fall asleep in three days and that she is preparing now.

"The lady was in control, so to speak. "
"The lady was in control, so to speak. "

The nurse comes to take care of the lady and I stand at her headboard and we talk to each other. It turned out that she had a very responsible position within a well-known company. She was a manager in heart and soul and was well connected with everyone. The result was a pleasant working atmosphere and a tidy whole. This allowed the company to excel. The lady was in control, so to speak. The lady is able to cope with her illness and has accepted it. What she has the biggest trouble with is that she can't take the lead around her and that makes for a funny story.

The lady has a lot of scarves. With her impending death, she suddenly feels the need to clean everything up. Nothing should be left behind where the children have to make choices about what should stay and what should not. The scarves are the last thing that needs to be arranged.

I would like all the scarves to be cleaned up! Ok, why? Because I don't want to leave a mess that the kids are dealing with. But you're already very tidy. Yes, but those scarves have to go. Right away! Ok, then if you sleep like this, we will remove the scarves. Yes and they should be thrown in the trash! Ok. The lady falls asleep and the scarves are taken away as promised and put in a box. The lady wakes up again and finds that the scarves are gone. Delicious, everything thrown away? Yes ma'am, everything gone.

The next day, new nurses arrive. They take something from a cupboard at the lady's and see a box. Hey, a new box? I don't know anything! What's inside? Oh, scarves. Waaaaaat??! In the end I quickly put the box in the container and solved the problem. The last project has been completed, the lady is at peace. She says, it's time!


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Björn van den Bosch
Passionate man
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My mission? Stripping the loaded theme of 'When I'm gone' of all taboos"
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