What do you put on the funeral card?

What do you put on the funeral card?

A funeral card is of course something you can make very personal, but a number of things are common to put on the funeral card. It is not mandatory to put all these points on a funeral card:

  1. The person's name. The relationship with the next of kin is usually also mentioned. (Our grandmother, mother, sister, etc.) You could also choose to mention someone's pet name here.
  2. The fact that someone has died, with the date of death.
  3. Date of birth or age.
  4. The date, time and location for a funeral, condolence, etc. Or where someone will be their final resting place so that someone can say goodbye later. When the farewell will take place in private, you can also mention this on the card.
  5. A correspondence address where people can deliver condolence cards or flowers, for example. You can request not to send flowers or other items.