Practical questions

Practical questions

About Time was born when it became clear how difficult it was to talk about themes such as death, farewell, funeral and legacy. It's our mission to help you start the conversation.

Cards with the symbol 'compass needle' represent the more practical matters that require attention. Will it be a funeral or cremation, do you already have an address list for the condolence cards and who will arrange the financial side of the funeral? Things that definitely belong on your to-do list.

"Do you have a will that states what happens to your possessions when you are gone?"
"Do you have a will that states what happens to your possessions when you are gone?"

With the answers you gain insight and you are stimulated to take things up or do things differently while you still can. It helps you and your loved ones to think about death, farewell and legacy.

100 questions, 4 themes

The card game consists of more than 100 questions and is divided into four themes:

Practical questions

In addition to the four themes, there are also practical questions. What is useful or even necessary to arrange? And questions that touch the heart: about love, emotions, relationships and memories.

Put your answer in the app

It is available in both print and digital form. You can leave your comment directly in the app, so that your loved ones can always listen to or read your reaction. Start the conversation today, and keep the memories alive.

Scan the QR code and record your answers.